Flutter’s balance situation was keeping me up at night feeling I’d released an inferior product to my customers. Much strong coffee and an early morning, 3:15 am, 3 days after her original release date has given me confidence to say that unless your Maine Coon bats it off the tree, across the room and tag-teams with your 120lb Fido, who promptly sits on it, your FLUTTER will remain in balance. Period.

If you have an Original sold at the EY Centre on either December 5th or 6th, 2019, and you are not completely satisfied, please contact me through this site… Subject line – FLUTTER. I will either replace Flutter, no charge and no return required, or refund you… again, no return required. This will be your choice. I will ask for photos of her “wonkiness” and from them, I can suggest how you can salvage her and have a perfect pair. 🙂


Sue, Axie, and Flutter, my baseball fanatic.