Darby Hovering over a Raised Bed
So… my tech skills being virtually non-existent, it took me 25 minutes of my 45 minute session just to get logged on. (I’ll let you in on a secret. I don’t even know how to make a coffee with a Kurig or Tassimo machine. Serious.) I’m not sure if my session was 45 minutes, as planned or 1 hr, 10 minutes including the time I was trying to reach Davor. Whatever they calculate it to be, it was worth it! I did not make the changes that have my website easier to navigate. I wanted them and Davor did all the manipulation for me as I watched.
I asked him in passing, if he was on the night shift. No, he was helping me from Serbia where it was mid-day at 5:30EDT. Mike S. in San Francisco helped me 2 weeks ago and with Davor’s excellent (and PATIENT) assistance this morning, I think I have a grip on things. Lets see if I can use a special block he pointed out for me and get this where it’s suppose to go.
Nope. So here I type, wondering how to undo the mess I’ve made again.
Got it fixed! Now Coffee – I need Coffee and need to find out if my raw materials have arrived in Ottawa yet. Copper – I need Copper.
Brokerage Fees, Customs & Duties and Taxes. Another learning curve for me. My wallet is at the ready. Bring it on.
Have a great day everyone,