Hey there Everyone,
The website designer I’ve hired is working hard to make a more cohesive website with easily accessed product pages and Fancifull Stories – all in reverse chronological order so you can read them start to finish.

I have some tweaking to do to some pages myself too. I did not realize I would be selling online until about 3 weeks in. By that time, I had ‘designed’ my site as best I could and was not concerned that most sales came from live events I love to attend.
Now, with COVID-19 running “the show”, event managers have been forced to re-think how we can serve our customer base.. I am grateful to be involved with a couple of large VIRTUAL Shows and Markets. This Thursday, May 7, the 10th annual Cheerfully Made Spring Craft market has brought me onboard along with 187 other Canadian Crafters from Coast to Coast to Coast. please check out the Market at https://www.cheerfullymade.com. The show runs until May 11th.
As I’ve mentioned a few times, I am also an official vendor to this year’s Canadian tulip Festival. That event begins on May 8, and runs for 11 days. Please check them out at http://www.tulipfestival.ca or click on the “Home” link below. (No, I’m not sure how I did that, but it works. Tulip Boutique is not active yet but they are working very hard to photograph all the products from 5 different vendors.
If that weren’t enough excitement for one week, at long last, my correr critters will be delivered to 25 homes in America, most in the Los Angeles area. The contract I signed to promote my 4-week old company via Distinctive Assets and an event called ‘Mother’s Day in Hollywood.’ Thankfully, I had my product received in LA before this COVID KIBOSH. The gift boxes will be delivered to a select 25 mothers and expecting mothers I wish I knew all of these ladies but I’m getting a bit long in the tooth and my grey hair is quickly catching up to the dark brown. I have figured out how to follow all the ladies on social media and have watched some lovely videos and posts with Mom and Baby. It was fun to watch 9-month dance-athons to promote labour. A couple of ladies did this. They are both moms of beautiful babies now.

L’Ange Stems Keeping Watch
I will try to save this post to add to the new site. I will not be adding anything further until my new site is up. Same address but a whole new look. I have many new products too. I believe my Dragonfly Driftwood mobiles will be a favourite. Each one is as individual as the dragonflies on it and they all have names TOO!
Stay Safe. Stay Motivated. Stay Sane.
Sue, Axie and All the Fancifulls of OH Valley.