by Sue Gibb | Jun 16, 2019 | Fancifull Stories
These pictures were taken with Dixie and Delta, while on a beautiful walk – er – flit this morning. Sunny, with a slight breeze perfect for Delta to dance in the leaves while Dixie and I checked on the mail. Yes, I know it’s Sunday but it’s...
by Sue Gibb | Jun 15, 2019 | Fancifull Stories
As promised, Dixie arrived right on schedule. She’s back in Oh Valley, though only for summer vacation. When fall arrives, she will fly back to live with her Aunt Myrtle in South Carolina Beach. Dixie’s constitution is quite delicate, unlike Darby and...
by Sue Gibb | Jun 14, 2019 | Journey
If anyone is yet following me, you will see my posts go up and down disappearing and returning as quickly as some of my imaginary (Sorry folks, my dragonflies are not real.) colleagues. I really am trying to figure out how to build this site. I can tell a reasonably...
by Sue Gibb | Jun 14, 2019 | Journey
“Delta Hanging Around” I hope to see you there as I will have a booth at the games. Save it on your calendar, Saturday, August 24th 2019. One day only. You’ll have a chance to see Darby and Delta and I promise Dixie will get over her shyness and be...
by Sue Gibb | Jun 10, 2019 | Fancifull Stories Hi! I’m Sue Gibb and Hazy Dayz Dragonflies is my business. I write children’s stories and create copper likenesses of my Fancifull characters, blending the two mediums together in the...